Monitor OBD-II sensor data in numerical or graphical presentation.View OBD-II parameter and sensor data in real-time to detect abnormalities.Monitor fuel consumption while you drive and save money on gas/diesel.Read Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs), Freeze Frame, and clear the codes and MIL.Read readiness monitor status to make sure your car is ready for emissions testing.Whether you want to monitor vehicle data in real-time or reset the 'check engine' light, this is a must-have tool and the only OBD-II software you need! Capabilities and benefits: ▸ OBD Auto Doctor is an ideal app for everyone interested in getting to know their car better. With this OBD2 diagnostic app, you can communicate with your car's OBD2 system quick and easy, and turn your mobile into a highly capable automotive scanner.

OBD Auto Doctor is the advanced OBD2 car diagnostics tool in your pocket! Ever wonder why the check engine light or MIL keeps going on? Check and reset the trouble codes with OBD Auto Doctor.